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Title File Author Description Article Date
Creating Safe Space for GLBTQ Youth: A Toolkit The toolkit assists young people in understanding the negative impact of homophobia and transphobia on GLBTQ youth and in taking a stand for social justice.  
Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ Youth Toolkit Armonté Butler This Toolkit has been developed to assist individuals, community-based organizations, providers, healthcare staff, educators, and others that see the value of incorporating key safer space components into their organizations so that young people survive and thrive. Recommendations serve as a guide and should be tailored to each individual young person and organizational setting. It highlights challenges faced by LGBTQ youth, offers insight on how they thrive, and enhances the awareness among healthcare staff, educators, and additional youth-serving professionals about the existing disparities in order to provide more comprehensive, competent, evidence-based care and support to this community.  
Creating a Positive Behavior Intervention Plan and a Crisis Plan: Things to consider if your child has a disability and behavioral needs Supports families in developing their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to include behavioral intervention and crisis plans. This resource covers the purpose of each plan and what should be considered for inclusion.   2007
Criminal Justice and School Sanctions against Nonheterosexual Youth: A National Longitudinal Study Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein and Hannah Brückner Examines whether youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning suffer disproportionate school and criminal-justice sanctions from their heterosexual peers and urges better understanding of the phenomenon to prevent it.   December 2010
Crisis & Emergency Response Work Group Planning Form ON CARE - Onondaga County System of Care (New York) Sample work plan for developing a Mental Health Crisis & Emergency Response system, as well as a strategy for informing youth and families about it.  
Crisis Plan Rural Children's' Initiative (Texas) Crisis Plan form.  
Crisis Services:Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness, and Funding Strategies Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration This report reviews the benefits of continuum of crisis services, what states offer them, funding and payment methods, and lessons learned.   2014
Critical Disparities in Latino Mental Health- Transforming Research Into Action Britt Rios-Ellis Report of research from Latino Mental Health Summit. Discusses mental health issues and disparities facing Latinos and makes recommendations.   November 2005
Critical Factors in System of Care Implementation Sharon Hodges, Nathaniel Israel, Kathleen Ferreira, & Jessica mazza Describes cross-site patterns of system implementation and identifies four factors critical to implementation: values and beliefs, goals, structures, and information sharing.   February 2007
Critical Issues and LGBT-Two Spirit Populations: Highlights from the HONOR Project Study A health survey of Two-Spirit Native Americans designed to (a) test a theoretically driven stress and coping model among 447 twospirit American Indians via a structured survey; (b) design and test the feasibility of various peer-driven sampling recruitment methodologies to produce a national representative sample; and (c) conduct a qualitative study with 65 leaders to identify major strengths and coping strategies in this population.   2010
Crosswalk to Implementing Your Cooperative Agreement: 2011 Connects the requirements of the RFA, system of care implementation strategies, and the knowledge and experience of communities, families, youth, TA providers, researchers, and consultants to assist in systems of care development.   2011
Crosswalk to Implementing Your Cooperative Agreement: 2011 Connects the requirements of the RFA, system of care implementation strategies, and the knowledge and experience of communities, families, youth, TA providers, researchers, and consultants to assist in systems of care development.   2011
Cultrual Competence in Clinical Care This seminar series presents methods for assessing patients' cultural backgrounds and cultural views about illness in a clinical setting.  
Cultrual Competence in Clinical Care This seminar series presents methods for assessing patients' cultural backgrounds and cultural views about illness in a clinical setting.  
Cultrual Competence in Clinical Care This seminar series presents methods for assessing patients' cultural backgrounds and cultural views about illness in a clinical setting.  
Cultural Adaptation Planning Tool Angela Weeks, DBA This tool should be used to assess cultural fit of a program prior to selecting the program and also during the cultural adaptation process. Leaders need to ensure that EBPs and EIPs that are being considered for adaptation are able to be adapted to the needs of the clients they serve. This assessment and decisions concerning adaptation should be done in partnership with the communities being served so that any changes made are informed by people with lived and shared experiences.   2021
Cultural Competence Assessment Scale TA parnership for child and family mental health Describes the Program Level Cultural Competence Assessment Scale 2.1, which measures organizational cultural competence in mental health outpatient settings and can be used for program-level self-assessment and care coordination to monitor change over time.  
Cultural Competence Readiness Assessment Questionnaire TA parnership for child and family mental health This is a list of questions that should be addressed as part of the preparation for adopting cultural competency principles and initial training.  
Cultural Competence Resources listing of resources for professionals and the general public provided by SAMHSA.  
Cultural Competence and School Mental Health Explains cultural competence and its relation to school mental health, and provides recommendations, model programs, and resources.   August 2006
Cultural Competence for Health Care Providers Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center Resource manual for health care providers. State specific resources but contains general information.   January 2013
Cultural Competency Officer (Job Description) San Bernardino Co. Human Resources Cultural Competency Officer job announcement.   May 2006
Cultural Competency Resource Packet Includes information about cultural competency for mental health school personnel, including references.   2001
Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Show Me Kids - Springfield, MO Intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural diversity, cultural competence, and linguistic competence in early childhood settings.   October 2003
Cultural Competency and Health Literacy- A Guide for Teaching Health Professionals and Students Teaching resource guide for health proffessionals and students to learn how to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes.  

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