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ADHS Teaching Example: Part D: Behavioral Health Service Plan
Arizona Dept. of Health Services |
Sample service plan. |
October 2004 |
ADHS-DBHS Behavioral Health Client Assessment
Arizona Dept. of Health Services |
Client information paperwork, including cover sheet, history questionnaire, assessment, and service plan. |
August 2004 |
About Policy and Practice Trends for Reducing Truancy
Identifies the factors behind truant behaviors and the importance of working toward truancy reduction through comprehensive approaches to student re-engagement. |
2012 |
Access and Equity for all Students: Meeting the Needs of LGBT Students
Mallory Angeli |
Outlines policy recommendations for LGBT students in higher education.
June 2009 |
Access and Equity for all Students: Meeting the Needs of LGBT Students
Mallory Angeli |
Outlines policy recommendations for LGBT students in higher education. |
June 2009 |
Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America, Executive Summary
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health |
Explores the mental health needs of many Americans and provides recommendations for a fundamental transformation of the nation's approach to mental health. |
2003 |
Addressing Barriers to Learning
Discusses a variety of underlying causes for bullying and illustrates how identifying a bully's motive can help determine the most effective intervention strategy. |
Winter 2005 |
Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders in Non-Traditional Service Settings: Overview Paper 4
Only about half of people with co-occurring disorders (COD) receive any services within substance abuse and mental health (SA/MH) settings. Settings outside the SA/MH system, or settings whose service missions do not include a primary focus on COD, are the focus of this overview paper. Primary health, public safety and criminal justice, and social settings, where individuals with COD are likely to be seen, are highlighted. |
2007 |
Addressing Language Access Issues in Your Practice: A toolkit for Physicians and their Staff Members
This is a toolkit for physicians and health care teams that presents a systems approach to re-designing practices to provide the highest quality care possible to patients who speak limited English. |
Addressing Language Access Issues in Your Practice: A toolkit for Physicians and their Staff Members
This is a toolkit for physicians and health care teams that presents a systems approach to re-designing practices to provide the highest quality care possible to patients who speak limited English. |
Addressing Language Access Issues in Your Practice: A toolkit for Physicians and their Staff Members
California Acadmey of Family Physicians |
This is a toolkit for physicians and health care teams that presents a systems approach to re-designing practices to provide the highest quality care possible to patients who speak limited English. |
2005 |
Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Young Children in the Child Welfare System – What Every Policymaker Should Know
Janice L. Cooper, Patti Banghart, Yumiko Aratani |
Based on the “Strengthening Early Childhood Mental Health Supports in Child Welfare Systems” roundtable convened by the National Center for Children in Poverty in June 2009, this issue brief describes the prevalence of young children in the child welfare system, how maltreatment or neglect affects their development, and services both currently offered and still needed. |
September 2010 |
Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Youth in Contact With the Juvenile Justice System in System of Care
Cocozza, J.J., Skowyra, K. R., & Shufelt, J. L. |
Provides an overview of the challenges many system of care communities face in working with children, youth, and young adults involved or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system and provides examples of how some communities have overcome these challenges. |
September 2010 |
Addressing the Needs of Young Children in Child Welfare: Part C – Early Intervention Services
Provides child welfare administrators and practitioners examples of state efforts to implement the new referral provisions, as well as lessons learned, for accessing early intervention services for children and families identified by the child welfare system. |
May 2007 |
Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood: Rethinking Public Policy for a New Century
Discusses current research and practice in the area of youth transition to adulthood and what it suggests about how well major social institutions have adapted to support young people as they make this transition. |
November 2004 |
Adolescents, Neighborhoods, and Violence: Recent Findings From the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
A. Gonzales, R. Schofield, D. Hagy |
Describes the results of a study that examined the neighborhood conditions, individual characteristics, and family characteristics that contribute to adolescent violence; aims to erase misleading stereotypes about race and violence by emphasizing the importance of neighborhood conditions and social processes in contributing to adolescent violence. |
September 2007 |
Adoption 101
Provides a curriculum to assist family groups in presenting adoption information to community groups and service providers. |
Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient and Family-Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community
Designed as guide, this tool reviews effective communication and patient-centeredness in providing safe and high-quality health care to diverse patient populations. |
Advancing Healthy Outcomes: Eight Ways to Promote the Health and Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Youth Involved with Child Welfare through FFPSA
Center for the Study of Social Policy |
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) marks a substantial movement toward child welfare reform by beginning to bring child welfare financing into alignment with what research tells us is best for children and families: keeping children in their homes whenever safe and possible — and when children have to be placed in foster care —ensuring they are in the most family-like, least restrictive setting that will meet their needs. Through FFPSA there's a significant opportunity for child welfare systems to address existing disparities for LGBTQ+ children, youth, and families. |
Advocating for LGBTQ+ Students with Disabilities
Human Rights Campaign, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Association of School Psychologists, National Education Association |
This guide for educators, parents, and guardians outlines the rights of LGBTQ+ students with disabilities and offers concrete strategies for supporting LGBTQ+ students who have an IEP or 504 plan. |
May 2021 |
Advocating for Nonresident Fathers in Childwelfare Court Cases
Andrew Cohen, Richard Cozzola, Kathleen Creamer, Leonard Edwards, Daniel Hatcher, Mark Kiselica, Jennifer Renne, Vivek Sankaran, Andrya Soprych |
Gives the tools to advocate for nonresident fathers effectively by learning how to: make constitutional arguments that protect nonresident fathers’ legal rights; work with male clients and forge meaningful relationships with them; advocate for fathers in and out of the courtroom to protect their legal rights to achieve and maintain meaningful relationships with their children; address special legal issues, such as domestic violence, immigration, child support, and incarceration; and address tough ethical challenges that arise when representing nonresident fathers. |
2009 |
Affirming Primary Care for Intersex People
National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center |
This community-informed clinical guide on primary care for intersex people provides an overview of intersex terms and concepts, the health concerns of intersex people, intersex-affirming practices, and resources for further learning. |
August 2020 |
Affirming and Supporting LGBTQ Children and Youth in Child Welfare
Brief factsheet on affirming approaches to support LGBTQ youth in child welfare |
All Children - All Families: Training Program
As part of the broader All Children-All Families initiative, the curriculum is intended to provide expert LGBTQ competency support that can be customized based on the needs of the organization. The curriculum includes 1) An Introduction to LGBTQ Competency for Child Welfare Professionals, 2) Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Families, and 3) Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care. The training is supported through a fee-for-service with an average cost approximately $1,500 per trainer per day. |
All Children All Families
This project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation provides a framework for agencies to achieve safety, permanency and well-being by improving their practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and families. |