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Title File Author Description Article Date
Social Media for Child Welfare Resource Guide Offers guidelines for child welfare professionals on the effective use of social media, and includes information about building an effective social media strategy, addressing social media safety and security, and other related topics.   August 2012
Social Policy Report: Safe Schools Policy for LGBTQ Students S. Russell, S. Horn, J. Kosoiw, E. Saewyo Considers evidence that schools are often hostile environments for LGBTQ students and presents research on the consequences for compromised achievement and emotional and behavioral health for this population. Reviews strategies in education policy and practice that are associated with well-being for LGBTQ (and all) students.   2010
Speak Up Be Safe: How to Handle Child Abuse Disclosures information sheet   July 2011
Speak Up Be Safe: Signs & Symptoms of Child Abuse & Neglect information sheet   July 2011
Speak Up Be Safe: The Impact of Child Abuse & Neglect information sheet   July 2011
Special Service and Support Funds Guidelines & Procedures Delaware Division of Mental Health Services Families and Communities Together Explains what special service and support funds are and how they may be used.  
Spotlight on Parent and Community Involvement Describes approaches to family and community engagement, including involving parents in decision- making and informing them about the Common Core State Standards. The evolving role of online tools and social media in parent involvement is also discussed.   2013
Stages of Community Development in Oklahoma Systems of Care Questions to consider while planning to write a proposal for a system of care.   August 2006
Stages of community Membership in the Oklahoma Systems of Care Oklahoma System of Care Stages of system of care including what they're doing and what support they receive.  
Standards of Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Inetrsex, and Two-spirit American Indian/Alaska Native Youth This article was published in the newsletter by the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) describing best practices in American Indian/ Alaska Native systems of care for current and graduated system of care communities.   April 2013
Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People E. Coleman This protocol outlines the treatment for transgender, and gender nonconforming people who wish to undergo hormonal or surgical transition.   August 2012
Starting Off Right: Promoting Child Development from Birth in State Early Care and Education Initiatives R. Schumacher, K. Hamm, A. Goldstein, J. Lombardi Describes state strategies to improve early care and education for infants and toddlers, and supports for their families.   July 2006
State Anti-bullying Statutes Jennifer Dounay Discusses statutes against bullying in grades K-12 in attempts to reduce bullying in schools.   Apr. 2005
State Approaches to Promoting Young Children’s Healthy Mental Development: A Survey of Medicaid, and Maternal and Child Health, and Mental Health Agencies Jill Rosenthal, Neva Kaye Illustrates many opportunities for improving systems of care in their approaches to young children’s social-emotional development.   November 2005
State Early Childhood Policies: Improving the Odds Helene Stebbins, Jane Knitzer Highlights some of the key findings from the National Center for Children in Poverty’s database of state policy choices, which assembles data from multiple sources to provide a unique picture of early childhood policies across the states.   June 2007
State Fact Sheets from Enriching Children, Enriching the Nation: Public Investment in High-Quality Prekindergarten Examines the costs and benefits to society of two scenarios – one in which public preschool education is made available to all children, and one in which programs are targeted to disadvantaged children. While returns would vary by state, universal pre-K programs would yield higher returns by the year 2050.   2007
State Medicaid Best Practice- Telemental and Behavioral Helath This document provides an overview of state mediciad practice in regards to telemental and behavioral health, state policy trends in telemental health, state policy best practices, evidence based outcomes for telemental health, and model medicaid policy considerations.   August 2013
State Policies to Help Youth Transition Out of Foster Care Discusses several states that are taking a comprehensive approach to connecting child welfare with other youth-serving systems in order to ensure access to and easier navigation of a richer and better coordinated array of services for current and former foster youth.   January 2007
Statewide Family Network Grants: Building Capacity for Family Run Organizations Fredla FREDLA recently surveyed current and formerly funded Statewide Family Network grantees and compiled a report from the 31 organizations that responded. This report describes how Statewide Family Networks are leveraging the SFN funds they receive to positively impact the lives of children and youth with emotional, mental, and behavioral challenges and their families.   February 2014
Stepping Up for Kids: What Gov't & Communities Should do to Support Kinship Families Examines the need for government agencies and community partners to help support kinship families, which are families that care for the children of friends or family members in out-of-home placements. The report discusses the need for increasing the financial stability and enhancing supports for kinship families.   2012
Strategic Plan for a Collaborative Neighborhood-Based Crime Prevention Initiative Akiva Liberman, Jocelyn Fontaine, Martha Ross, Caterina Gouvis Roman, John Roman Details a crime prevention plan that combines law enforcement with intervention and prevention through social services to address risk factors for crime.   December 2010
Strategic Plan for a CollaborativeNeighborhood-BasedCrime Prevention Initiative Akiva Liberman, Jocelyn Fontaine, Martha Ross, Caterina Gouvis Roman, John Roman Details a crime prevention plan that combines law enforcement with intervention and prevention through social services to address risk factors for crime.   December 2010
Strategic Planning Outlines the benefits of strategic planning as well as the costs in time that many parent centers face in developing a strategic plan. Also discusses why a strategic plan can be helpful, who should be involved, the key elements of a plan, and what happens after a plan is developed.   2005
Strategic Planning Process: Plan to Plan Logistics and Decisions Questions Guides your workgroup in the plan to plan process.   2011
Strategic Planning Template A template your community can modify with its information to develop a strategic plan; the document also describes each of the main parts of the strategic plan.   2011

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