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Early Psychosis Intervention for Teens and Young Adults:  New and Empowering Approaches - Call 2
Early Psychosis Intervention for Teens and Young Adults:  New and Empowering Approaches - Call 3
Educating Policy Makers
  • Educating Policy Makers
  • Sandra Spencer & Joy Spencer
  • What's advocacy, what's lobbying and what's just educating policy makers? You need to know the difference. We all can educate our policy makers and we all should. This webinar will describe the difference between advocacy and lobbying and assist part ..... more
Exploring the ISF for Integrating SOC and Education
  • Exploring the ISF for Integrating SOC and Education
  • Lucille Eber & Susan Barrett
  • Schools are significant partners with other child-serving community agencies, organizations, and families in improving outcomes for children with or at risk of behavioral health challenges. To this end, school systems that are fostering the implement ..... more
Health Belief Tool Kit
  • Health Belief Tool Kit
  • Maritza Concha, Maria Elena Villar, Lauren Azevedo, and Patricia Herodier
  • This presentation will provide an overview of the Health Beliefs tool kit, its application and uses for behavioral health care organizations. The tool kit was designed to respond to the health beliefs component of CLAS standard 1. Topics that will be ..... more
Implementation Challenges & Opportunities Office Hours
  • Implementation Challenges & Opportunities Office Hours
  • Rick Shepler, Michael Fox, Christopher Bellonci, Patrick Kanary
  • Office Hours for Implementation Challenges & Opportunities The TA Network’s Clinical Track will be presenting a 3 part series focusing on youth with co-occurring disorders (mental health and substance use). The series will be accompanied by five brie ..... more
Increasing Family Voice in the Juvenile Justice System
  • Increasing Family Voice in the Juvenile Justice System
  • Sandra Spencer and Susan Richardson
  • This webinar will help you: - To understand and discuss why family and youth voice is critical - To incorporate family voice into practice in the juvenile justice system - To learn how Reclaiming Futures sites ..... more
Integrating Juvenile Justice with System of Care: Merging Care with Control
Language Assistance Tool Kit
  • Language Assistance Tool Kit
  • Maritza Concha, Maria Elena Villar, Lauren Azevedo and Patricia Herodier
  • The language assistance toolkit is designed for behavioral health practitioners to a) understand language proficiency and multilingualism in behavioral health care, b) address language tools and proficiency assessments, and c) present an action and i ..... more
Monitoring of Psychotropic Medications in Children and Youth
  • Monitoring of Psychotropic Medications in Children and Youth
  • Kamala D. Allen
  • This webinar will inform participants about the role psychotropic medications play in the treatment of children and youth with serious behavioral health needs and how systems of care can improve the quality of behavioral health care for this populati ..... more