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Implementing System Wide Policy and Practice Improvements to Support LGBTQ+ Youth and Families with Child Welfare System Involvement
Kristen Weber and Bill Bettencourt |
This report describes the processes and outcomes associated with implementing Guidelines for Managing Information Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression and Identity in Child Welfare Systems in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The Guidelines outline ways in which child welfare jurisdictions can implement system wide innovations to better serve LGBTQ+ youth and their families. |
May 2021 |
Implementing an Evidenced Based Treatment for Children in the Child Welfare System: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Helfgott, K.P., Nelson, M., Gurwith, R., et al. |
PowerPoint |
July 2009 |
Implementing the ACA: Medicaid Spending and Enrollment Growth for FY 2014 and FY 2015
Robin Rudowitz, Laura Snyder, Vernon K. Smith, Kathleen Gifford, and Eileen Ellis |
This report provides an overview of Medicaid spending and enrollment growth with a focus on state fiscal years 2014 and 2015 (FY 2014 and FY 2015) and an overview of Medicaid financing. |
October 2014 |
Implementing the American Academy of Pediatrics Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Guidelines in Primary Care Settings
L. Leslie, J. Weckerly, D. Plemmons, J. Landsverk, S. Eastman |
Evaluates the effectiveness of the AAP attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnostic guidelines; the study concludes that barriers such as 1) physicians’ limited information about rating scales, 2) a lack of information given to families about ADHD supports, 3) physicians' lack of information on mental/physical health plans that restrict care for ADHD, and 4) a lack of knowledge of community resources have prevented full implementation of AAP guidelines. |
January 2004 |
Implementing the Family Support Approach for Community Supervision
Tracy G. Mullins, Christine Toner |
Provides community corrections agencies and practitioners an overview of the Family Support Approach for Community Supervision, which aims to promote the positive influence of families and social networks in the lives of individuals under supervision. |
2008 |
Imprest Fund
Children and Families in Common, King County, WA |
Family and youth stipends. |
2004 |
Improving Access to Public Benefits: Helping Eligible Individuals and Families Get the Income Supports They Need
Provides insights as to how to ensure that low-income working families receive the benefits and supports that they need to succeed. |
April 2010 |
Improving Child & Family Outcomes through Effective Service Systems “Building Centers of Excellence”
Jen Mettrick |
Two page fact sheet outlining what a center of excellence is and how to get one started. |
Improving Child Welfare Outcomes through Systems of Care: Building the Infrastructure
G. DeCarolis, L. Southern, & F. Blake |
This guide provides detailed information to state, tribal, county, city, or neighborhood agencies providing services to children, youth, and families that are interested in establishing child welfare driven systems of care. |
Improving Public Financing for Early Learning Programs
W. Steven Barnett & Jason T. Hustedt |
Examines sources and models of public financing of early care and education and makes recommendations for improving upon what currently exists to remove barriers to increasing program access and quality. |
April 2011 |
Improving the Health of Vulnerable Populations
Powerpoint presentation from webinar regarding best practices used in Dallas hospital to provide CLC care for vulnerable populations. |
Improving the Health of Vulnerable Populations
Powerpoint presentation from webinar regarding best practices used in Dallas hospital to provide CLC care for vulnerable populations. |
Improving the Health of Vulnerable Populations
Powerpoint presentation from webinar regarding best practices used in Dallas hospital to provide CLC care for vulnerable populations. |
Improving the Lives of Young Children The Role of Developmental Screenings in Medicaid and CHIP
G. Kenney & J. Pelletier |
Examines the gaps that exist in the current system of developmental screening and highlights steps States can take in order to increase participation and increase provision/receipt of well-child visits under the Medicaid/CHIP policy. |
December 2010 |
In-Home Resources for Families of LGBTQ Youth
This brief reviews resources and best practices for supporting LGBTQ youth and their families in-home settings. |
Increasing Access to Behavioral Healthcare though Technology
This report presents tips and insights shared by HRSA-funded grantees on getting a telebehavioral health program- from intial planning to implementation and growth. |
February 2013 |
Increasing Access to Behavioral Healthcare: Managed Care Options and Requirements
Wendy Holt, MPP and Richard Dougherty, PhD, |
This document systematically reviews the capabilities of different managed care approaches in meeting the needs of Medicaid enrollees with the most serious mental illnesses and emotional disturbances. It also serves as a resource for advocates to use in educating policymakers and ensuring that this vulnerable population’s special needs are addressed throughout the transition to managed care |
July 2011 |
Independent Living Coordinator (Job Description)
KVC Behavioral HealthCare |
Independent Living Coordinator job announcement. |
July 2004 |
Indiana's Crosswalk for DC 0-3 to ICD-9-CM to DSM-IV
Sample crosswalk from currently and previously funded Early Childhood communities. |
2007 |
Indicators of Family Involvement - Recommended by a Workgroup of Parents and Evaluators
This document lists indicators for family involvement that other organizations can use to assess the amount family involvement occuring in their community / system. |
September 2011 |
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011
S. Roberts, J. Zhang, J. Truman, T. Snyder |
Provides data on crime and safety at school from the perspective of students, teachers, and principals, including crime and safety information for students’ travel to and from school. |
February 2012 |
Indicators ofSchool Crime and Safety: 2011
S. Roberts, J. Zhang, J. Truman, T. Snyder |
Provides data on crime and safety at school from the perspective of students, teachers, and principals, including crime and safety information for students’ travel to and from school. |
February 2012 |
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development
Provides a variety of resources and suggestions for policy makers related to the development of social/emotional skills in young children. |
Infant/Toddler Training Guidelines for the Core Provider
Chart of guidelines for core providers, with knowledge, competencies, and hours of training. |
Infant/Toddler Training Guidelines for the Mental Health Practitioner
Chart of guidelines for mental health practitioners, with knowledge, core concepts, training in concept appplication, and hours of training. |