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Title File Author Description Article Date
Memorandum of Understanding National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health MOU template.  
Memorandum of Understanding The THRIVE Initiative (Maine?) Sample MOU document - trauma informed SOC.  
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Mississippi Department of Human Services and the Mississippi Department of Mental Health Mississippi Sample filed MOU.   February 2003
Mental Health Care Issues of Children & Youth in Foster Care Tina Polihronakis This information packet offers an overview of the mental health care issues of youth in foster care and includes statistics, information on policy and legislation, best practice tips and programs, and additional resources.   April 2008
Mental Health Practice Guidelines for Child Welfare P.J. Jensen, L. Hunter Romanellie, P. J. Pecora, A. Ortiz Provides national guidelines for mental health best practices in child welfare and includes a user-friendly toolkit to assist child welfare agencies in implementing these guidelines.   March 2009
Mental Health Practices in Child Welfare Guidelines Toolkit Lisa Hunter Romanelli, PhD, Theressa L. LaBarrie, MA, etc. Designed to help agencies address the mental health needs of children, youth, and families in child welfare. Each section (mental health screening and assessment, psychosocial interventions, psychotropic medication, parent support, and youth empowerment) presents the guidelines, why they are important, practical suggestions for how an agency might implement them, and a list of tools and resources.   2009
Mental Health Screening & Assessment Tools for Children: Literature Review Shannon T. Williams, PhD This report provides a review of tools used to screen and/or assess mental health and social-emotional functioning in children, with a focus on the child welfare context.   2008
Mental Health Surveillance Among Children —United States, 2005–2011 Provides estimates of the prevalence of mental health disorders among children in the United States obtained through ongoing Federal surveillance systems. According to the report, 13 percent–20 percent of children experience a mental health disorder in a given year.   May 2013
Mental Health Treatment of Infants and Toddlers: Creating an Integrated System of Care for Infants and Toddlers in the Child Welfare System K. Orfirer, PhD, Jill Rian, LCSW Explores critical issues in the child welfare system and pertinent infant mental health concepts, and describes a unique model of integrating child welfare and infant mental health.   Fall 2008
Mental Health and Timing of Gender-Affirming Care Julia C. Sorbara, Lyne N. Chiniara, Shelby Thompson and Mark R. Palmert BACKGROUND: Gender-incongruent (GI) youth have high rates of mental health problems. Although gender-affirming medical care (GAMC) provides psychological benefit, some GI youth present to care at older ages. Whether a relationship exists between age of presentation to GAMC and mental health difficulties warrants study. CONCLUSIONS: Late pubertal stage and older age are associated with worse mental health among GI youth presenting to GAMC, suggesting that this group may be particularly vulnerable and in need of appropriate care.   October 2022
Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities Transgender children who have socially transitioned, that is, who identify as the gender “opposite” their natal sex and are supported to live openly as that gender, are increasingly visible in society, yet we know nothing about their mental health. Previous work with children with gender identity disorder (GID; now termed gender dysphoria) has found remarkably high rates of anxiety and depression in these children. Here we examine, for the first time, mental health in a sample of socially transitioned transgender children. Results demonstrate that socially transitioned transgender children who are supported in their gender identity have developmentally normative levels of depression and only minimal elevations in anxiety, suggesting that psychopathology is not inevitable within this group. Especially striking is the comparison with reports of children with GID; socially transitioned transgender children have notably lower rates of internalizing psychopathology than previously reported among children with GID living as their natal sex.  
Mental Health, Ethnicity, Sexuality, and Spirituality Among Youth in Foster Care: Findings from the Casey Field Office Mental Health Study Catherine Roller White, MA, Anne Havalchak, MPA, etc. This study on adolescents in Casey’s care found similar mental health diagnosis rates among Casey youth as compared to youth in the general population; however, lifetime rates were higher among Casey youth. Additional data on spirituality, ethnic identity, and sexual orientation, as well as policy, program, and research recommendations, are provided.   September 2007
Mental Health: A Report to the Surgeon General Defines mental disorders and provides information about treatment options and trends. Includes specific sections related to “families as resources” and family advocacy.   1999
Mentalhealth.gov Spanish language website with various mental health resources.  
Mentalhealth.gov Spanish language website with various mental health resources.  
Michigan's Crosswalk for DC 0-3R to ICD-9-CM to DSM-IV Sample crosswalk from currently and previously funded Early Childhood communities.   December 2007
Model Anti-Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy for Child Welfare or Juvenile Justice Agencies This model anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy is for child welfare and juvenile justice agencies who wish to adopt a policy that would prohibit all forms of harassment, create a safe environment for all youth and service providers, and ensure that all youth have equal access to all available services, placement, care, treatment, and benefits provided by the agency.   2006
Model Policy:?Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Youth in Confinement Facilities Shannan Wilber and Jason Szanyi The purpose of this model policy is to address operational practices that promote the safety, dignity, and well-being of TGNCI youth in confinement facilities. Although many of the provisions apply to all youth, the policy was created specifically to address the unique needs and vulnerabilities of TGNCI youth. The model policy is designed for broad application in a wide range of confinement facilities (e.g., detention facilities, residential treatment centers, shelter homes).   2019
Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma-Specific Services Ann Jennings Includes author descriptions of trauma service models identified by states and organizations and descriptions of evidence-based and promising practice models. The models are designed to address trauma in the lives of children, their parents or caregivers and adults.   2008
Models of Collaboration and Cost Sharing in Transition Programming Joe Timmons Describes two funding tools, blended and braided, that collaborating agencies can use for transition programming.   January 2007
Moderating the Effects of Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: The Roles of Parenting Characteristics and Adolescent Peer Support Emiko A. Tajima, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Carrie A. Moylan, and Amelia S. Derr This report examined parenting characteristics and adolescent peer support as potential moderators of the effects of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) on adolescent outcomes.   2010
Money Well Spent: How Positive Social Investments will Reduce Incarceration Rates, Improve Public Safety, and Promote the Well-being of Communities Sarah Lyons and Nastassia Walsh Examines the relationship between poverty and involvement in the justice system, finding that people with the fewest financial resources are more likely to end up in prison or jail.   September 2010
Money Well Spent: How Positive Social Investments will Reduce Incarceration Rates, Improve Public Safety, and Promote the Well-being of Communities Sarah Lyons and Nastassia Walsh Examines the relationship between poverty and involvement in the justice system, finding that people with the fewest financial resources are more likely to end up in prison or jail.   September 2010
Monthly Treatment Team Report and Service Coordination Task Timeline Dawn Project (Indianapolis) Report and task timeline forms for services.  
Moving a Child Welfare System to Be More Affirming of the LGBTQ Community: Strategies, Challenges and Lessons Learned Megan Good and Shauna Lucadamo This report describes the challenges, successes and lessons learned that came with the work of shifting perspectives about LGBTQ communities in a local government organization. Much of the work was focused on affecting change in the child welfare system, but progress in that arena created ripple effects that continue to foster change in other areas of DHS.   June 2018

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