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Title File Author Description Article Date
Moving the Infant-Toddler Policy Agenda Forward Together: Strategies to Build Successful Coalitions Elizabeth DiLauro Explains how working together as a coalition can have many advantages for advocates; it allows partners to have a larger impact with fewer resources, and brings together diverse partners around a common issue.  
Moving the Margins: Training Curriculum for Child Welfare Services with LGBTQ Youth in Out-of-Home Care Kelly & Clark This train-the-trainer curriculum includes a 101 and a 201 section. Aimed at increasing providers’ sensitivity and enhancing their skills, the modules within the curriculum provide definitions, values clarifications, and a learning lab on LGBTQ youth in out-of-home care.   2009
Multi-Payer Investments in Primary Care: Policy and Measurement Strategies Center for Health Care Strategies & State Health Access Data Assistance Center The purpose of this paper is to help states develop or refine a multi-payer primary care investment strategy. It presents a range of options for advancing and measuring investments in state-based primary care systems, with an emphasis on enhancing the engagement of commercial payers and aligning public 2 and private payment and care delivery models.   July 2014
Multiple Response System and System of Care: Two Policy Reforms Designed to Improve the Child Welfare System N. Lawrence & E. Snyder Policy brief focuses on the ways in which the Multiple Response System and system of care initiatives work together to support common goals, and offers resources that can be useful in developing similar initiatives or improving current practices in the child welfare system.   2009
My-Peer Toolkit [1.0] Developing an online resource for planning and evaluating peer-based youth programs Janina Hildebrand, Roanna Lobo, Jonathan Hallett, Graham Brown & Bruce Maycock This paper reports on the development of a practitioner-centred, free online resource, the My-Peer Toolkit [1.0], which provides theory-based and practice-based guidelines for planning, implementing and evaluating peer-based youth services.   2012
Myths and Misconceptions About ADHD: Science over Cynicism Phyllis Anne Teeter Ellison, Ed.D. Useful article on the myths and misconceptions and misinformation about ADHD   2009
NAMI-Nat. Alliance for Mental Illness Resources are provided on cultural competence in mental health care.  
NASW Standards for Social Work Practice in Child Welfare Jean W. Anastas, PhD, LMSW, Elizabeth J. Clark, PhD, ACSW. MPH, etc. Revises and expands the “NASW Standards for Social Work Practice in Child Protection,” originally published in 1981, to address the changing practices and policies of social work and child welfare practice and reflect current practice trends and standards.   2013
NATIONAL RESPITE GUIDELINES Guiding Principles for Respite Models and Services Maggie Edgar, M.S.W., M onica Uhl, M.A., The guidelines provide a summary of guiding principles addressing quality indicators for all respite models and services. They can act as a checklist for providers of respite to review as they address respite service delivery issues   August 2011
NDTAC Issue Brief: Family Involvement Leslie Brock, Joyce Burrell, Tricia Tulipano This issue brief addresses the research that shows that family involvement is just as important in the juvenile justice system as it is in the educational system, and is connected to less recidivism and a more successful transition.   August 2006
NRCPFC Toolkit for Practitioners/Researchers Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Runaway and Homeless Youth Toolkit to assist agencies serviing runaway and homeless LGBTQ youth.  
Nathan Kline Institute This Center of Excellence in Culturally Competent Mental Health is housed in the Statistical Services Research Division of the New York State Office of Mental Health. Their mission is to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the availability, accessibility and quality of behavioral health care services through the development of culturally competent services. Their website offers a variety of resources.  
Nathan Kline Institute This Center of Excellence in Culturally Competent Mental Health is housed in the Statistical Services Research Division of the New York State Office of Mental Health. Their mission is to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the availability, accessibility and quality of behavioral health care services through the development of culturally competent services. Their website offers a variety of resources.  
National Asian and American and Pacific Islander Mental Health Association Website dedicated to mproving health and well being of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders living in the United.  
National Asian and American and Pacific Islander Mental Health Association Website dedicated to mproving health and well being of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders living in the United.  
National Coming Out Day Youth Report Human Rights Campaign This report analyzed responses by LGBT identified youth regarding various questions about their coming out experience.  
National Indian Childwelfare Association Website of the National Indian Child Welfare Association  
National Indian Childwelfare Association Website of the National Indian Child Welfare Association  
National Latino Behavioral Health Association Website of the National Lantino Behavioral Health Association  
National Latino Behavioral Health Association Website of the National Lantino Behavioral Health Association  
National Leadership Council of African American Behavioral Health Recognized as the only national umbrella organization focused on both mental health and substance abuse for the African American population that represents an array of perspectives and disciplines.  
National Leadership Council of African American Behavioral Health Recognized as the only national umbrella organization focused on both mental health and substance abuse for the African American population that represents an array of perspectives and disciplines.  
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network: Radical Syllabus The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network The Radical Syllabus for QTPOC Mental Health Practitioners was created by the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, a healing justice organization that works to transform mental health for queer and trans people of color (QTPOC). This resource is offered to queer and trans mental health practitioners of color for their own practice and in support of healing for the greater QTPOC community. This is not an academic syllabus; rather, it is a living document that can be used as a tool for discovery, inquiry, development, healing, and liberation. The syllabus is intentionally curated to highlight multiple forms of media to provide a wide range of accessibility and includes peer-reviewed academic articles, fiction and non-fiction books, podcasts, movies, and documentaries.  
Native Two Spirit and Youth Campaign: "These Things Matter" UNABLE TO OPEN These materials were developed as part of a national effort to connect with potentially high risk populations and develop new, Native-specific imagery and messaging that appeal to Native communities.  
Need and Unmet Need for Care Coordination Among Children with Mental Health Conditions Nicole M. Brown, Jeremy C. Green, Mayur M. Desai, Carol C. Weitzman and Marjorie S. Rosenthal This study determines prevalence and correlates of need and unmet need for care coordination in a national sample of children with mental health conditions.   February 2014

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