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Title File Author Description Article Date
Systems of Care Promising Practices in Children’s Mental Health 2001 Series: Volume II - Learning From Families: Identifying Service Strategies for Success Janice E. Worthington, Mario Hernandez, Bob Friedman, Douglas Uzzell Provides a three-monograph series on Promising Practices in Children's Mental Health.   2001
Systems of Care Promising Practices in Children’s Mental Health 2001 Series: Volume III - Promising Practices in Early Childhood Mental Health Jennifer S. Simpson, Pauline Jivanjee, Nancy Koroloff, Andrea Doerfler, María García Provides a three-monograph series on Promising Practices in Children's Mental Health.   2001
Systems of Care: A Complete Reference Guide for Putting SOC in Action This guide presents materials and ideas for involving families, agencies, and support staff in systems of care.   2007
Systems of Care: A Framework for System Reform in Children's Mental Health Beth A. Stroul, M.Ed. Examines system reform in children's mental health and the system of care concept   2002
Systems-Level Implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (Tap 33) Describes SBIRT services implementation and core elements of SBIRT programs for individuals with, or at risk for, substance use disorders.   2013
THE IMPACT OF STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION Against LGBT People in West Virginia Christy Mallory, Luis Vasquez ,Taylor N.T. Brown, Rayna E. Momen, Brad Sears In this study, we provide data and research documenting the prevalence of several forms of stigma and discrimination against LGBT adults and youth in the U.S. and in West Virginia specifically, including discrimination and harassment in employment, housing, and public accommodations; bullying and harassment in schools; and family rejection of LGBT youth. We discuss the implications of such stigma and discrimination on LGBT individuals, in terms of health and economic security; on employers, in terms of employee productivity, recruitment, and retention; and on the economy, in terms of health care costs and reduced productivity. To the extent that West Virginia can create a more supportive environment for LGBT people, it will reduce the economic instability and health disparities experienced by LGBT individuals, which, in turn, would benefit the state, employers, and the economy.   February 2021
Take Advantage of New Opportunities to Expand Medicaid Under the Affordable Care Act Illustrates new opportunities for improving health coverage and mental health services for low-income people under ACA.   July 2012
Taking Wraparound to Scale:Moving Beyond Grant Funding Dayana Simons Examines how to utilize other funding sources, besides grants, to fund Wraparound. The Affordable Care Act and alignment of federal priorities around behavioral health have assisted in alternative funding streams becoming available.   January 2015
Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations This guide provides ways to talk about suicide safely and effectively, while advancing vital public discussions about preventing suicide, helping increase acceptance of LGBT people, and supporting their well-being.  
Talking About Youth Transitions Offers practitioners and others working with transition-aged youth concrete tools to help them communicate about the issues facing this population in an effective and inclusive way.   2007
Teaching Respect: LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum and School Climate Examines the impact of curriculum that includes positive representations of LGBT people, history, and events on the school experiences of LGBT students.   2011
Teaching Respect: LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum and School Climate Examines the impact of curriculum that includes positive representations of LGBT people, history, and events on the school experiences of LGBT students.   2011
Technical Assistance Coordinator (Job Description) Wai Aka, Inc. Technical Assistance Coordinator job description.   September 2006
Technical Assistance Coordinator Position Description Feather River Tribal Health, Connecting Circles of Care Technical Assistance Coordinator job description.   August 2004
Teen SENSE: Model Sexual Health Care Standards for Youth in State Custody This resource reflects the minimum requirements that facilities should meet in order to appropriately address the sexual health care needs of youth in the state’s care. Youth should be provided with confidential, culturally competent care including physical and mental health screenings; universal offers of STI and HIV testing; written information, counseling, and treatment related to pregnancy, STI and HIV transmission and prevention, and sexual violence; and ongoing care and discharge planning related to sexual and reproductive health.   2012
Telemental Health Provider Barriers to Telemental Health: Obstacles Overcome, Obstacles Remaining Elizabeth Brooks, PhD, Carolyn Turvey, PhD, and Eugene F. Augusterfer, LCSW In this article, provider concerns in three broad domains are addressed: (1) personal barriers, (2) clinical workflow and technology barriers, and (3) licensure, credentialing, and reimbursement barriers.   June 2013
The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools Joseph G. Kosciw, Emily A. Greytak, Mark J. Bartkiewicz, Madelyn J. Boesen, & Neal A. Palmer Provides an overview of the experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) students in American schools, highlighting the effects of negative school climate and experiences on educational outcomes and psychological well-being. The report also examines continued increases in positive interventions and supports for LGBT youth as well as changes in school climate for LGBT youth over time. Although challenges persist, the 2011 survey demonstrates a continued decline in anti-LGBT language over the years, and for the first time shows a significant decrease in victimization based on sexual orientation.   2012
The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youthin Our Nation’s Schools J. Kosciw, E. Greytak, M. Bartkiewicz, M. Boesen, N. Palmer Provides an overview of the experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) students in American schools, highlighting the effects of negative school climate and experiences on educational outcomes and psychological well-being. The report also examines continued increases in positive interventions and supports for LGBT youth as well as changes in school climate for LGBT youth over time. Although challenges persist, the 2011 survey demonstrates a continued decline in anti-LGBT language over the years, and for the first time shows a significant decrease in victimization based on sexual orientation.   2012
The Adult Lives of At-Risk Students, The Roles of Attainment and Engagement in High School - Statistical Analysis Report Jeremy D. Finn, Jeffrey Owings Examines the relationship between school participation and future school outcomes.   March 2006
The Affordable Care Act and Diverse Communities The Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health provides resources to understand implications of the Affordable Care Act for diverse communities, as well as for mental health and substance abuse services.  
The Affordable Care Act and Diverse Communities The Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health provides resources to understand implications of the Affordable Care Act for diverse communities, as well as for mental health and substance abuse services.  
The Affordable Care Act and Diverse Communities The Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health provides resources to understand implications of the Affordable Care Act for diverse communities, as well as for mental health and substance abuse services.  
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Innovations Exchange UNABLE TO OPEN Innovations for Building Cultural and Linguistic Competence  
The Application of the Ten Principles of the Wraparound Process to the Role of Family Partners on Wraparound Teams Marlene Penn, Trina W. Osher Outlines the role of the family partner on wraparound teams and how the family partner supports implementation of the "Ten Principles of the Wraparound Process."   2008
The Big Picture Planning Guide Building Cross-Sector Professional Development Systems in Early Childhood, Supports a cross-sector, State-level planning process that leads to a single, integrated professional development system across all early childhood sectors.   July 2011

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