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Title File Author Description Article Date
The Challenge of Sustaining Cultural and Linguistic Competence Katherine Lazear COULD NOT OPEN FILE   July 2014
The Child and Family Team Process Arizona Dept. of Health Services Defines and describes steps of the Child and Family Team process, and ADHS expectations for application. Also includes functional outcome measures reporting form and CFT supervision tool.   October 2005
The Children's Partnership 2003 Strategic Plan The Children's Partnership (Travis Co. - Texas) The Children's Partnership's 2003 Strategic Plan including action steps, assignments, and due dates.   March 2003
The Children’s Bureau, Training & Technical Assistance Network 2013 Directory Describes the services, activities, and focus of the 28 members of the Children’s Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network.   2013
The Cuyahoga Youth Count: A Report on LGBTQ+ Youth Experience in Foster Care. Matarese, M., Greeno, E., Weeks, A., Hammond, P. The findings in this study include the overrepresentation of youth with diverse SOGI in foster care in a Midwest county, disparities in their treatment experiences and increased mental health hospitalizations, as well as more youth with diverse SOGI reporting use of substances and experiencing discrimination and adverse experiences. These findings are symptomatic of the need for increased SOGIE-tailored prevention services for families, clinical interventions to support family reunification and family accepting and affirming behaviors, and policy and practice shifts both within the child welfare system as well as partnering with the child/youth-serving provider organizations and systems.   2021
The DSM-5 and the Politics of Diagnosing Transpeople Zowie Davy In the DSM-5, there has been a change in the diagnosis for transpeople of all ages from Gender Identity Disorder (GID) to Gender Dysphoria (GD), in part to better indicate the distress that transpeople may experience when their gender identity feels incongruent. The aims of this article are, firstly, to question whether changing the diagnosis lessens the stigmatization of transpeople. I will suggest that the semantic change from GID to GD marks ‘‘inverted’’ gendered expressions as pathological and, thus, continues to stigmatize transpeople. Secondly, the article explores the development of the GD diagnosis, and illustrates how the scientific data this were founded on are contentious. The article then demonstrates how the trans anti-pathologization movement has challenged the perceived pathologizing effects of the DSM-5 classification of GD. The article examines a selection of Western transgender community advocates’ websites, forums, and blogs. From these sources, the article then explores the different narratives of trans- people and political groups who offer details of their praxis, and evidences how the trans anti-pathologization advocates use the & ZowieDavy zdavy@lincoln.ac.uk available science and human rights discourses to contest the role of psychiatry in the treatment of transpeople.   June 2015
The Disproportionate Representation of Children of Color in Foster Care Presents facts about disproportionality and offers promising practices to help reduce racial disparities in the child welfare system.   June 2006
The Fleecing of Foster Children: How We Confiscate Their Assets & Undermine their Financial Security Discusses the practice of many states intercepting foster children's Social Security benefits, the issue of identification theft and credit fraud committed against foster youth, and possible legislative solutions to these issues.   2011
The Foundation for Child Development Child and Youth Well-Being Index (CWI), 1975-2005, with Projections for 2006 Kenneth C. Land A composite index of trends in the well-being of America’s children and youth. Continued reductions in teen pregnancy, violent crime, and youth drug and alcohol use are pushing safety ratings upward. But children's health is declining dramatically.   April 2007
The Guideposts for Success: A Framework for Families Preparing Youth for Adulthood Provides a family involvement context for implementing five categories of effective transition practices that address school-based preparatory experiences, career preparation and work-based learning experiences, youth development and leadership, activities that connect families to the school, and family involvement and supports.   September 2012
The Guideposts for Success: A Framework for Families Preparing Youth for Adulthood Provides a family involvement context for implementing five categories of effective transition practices that address school-based preparatory experiences, career preparation and work-based learning experiences, youth development and leadership, activities that connect families to the school, and family involvement and supports.   September 2012
The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding At a time when lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals--often referred to under the umbrella acronym LGBT--are becoming more visible in society and more socially acknowledged, clinicians and researchers are faced with incomplete information about their health status. While LGBT populations often are combined as a single entity for research and advocacy purposes, each is a distinct population group with its own specific health needs. Furthermore, the experiences of LGBT individuals are not uniform and are shaped by factors of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographical location, and age, any of which can have an effect on health-related concerns and needs.   2011
The Hispanic Stress Inventory- Adolesecent Version: A Culturally Informed Psychosocial Assessment Richard Cervantes, Dennis Fisher, David Cordova, Lucy Napper Discusses a 2-phase study conducted to develop a culturally informed measure of psychosocial stress for adolescents.   March 2012
The Impact of Family Visitation on Incarcerated Youth’s Behavior and School Performance: Findings from the Families as Partners Project Sandra V. Agudelo Shows the positive impact that family visitation has on youth in juvenile correctional facilities.   April 2013
The Medical Home: Health Care Access and Impact for Children and Youth in the United States Bonnie B. Strickland, Jessica R. Jones, Reem M. Ghandour, Michael D. Kogan and Paul W. Newacheck Provides research that found almost 60 percent of children and youth (birth through age 17) in the United States received care in medical homes, and that younger children were more likely to receive care; however, the authors found substantial racial and ethnic disparities that needed to be addressed.   March 2011
The Medical Implications of Banning Transgender Youth from Sports Participation JAMA Pediatrics Regular physical activity is essential for the health and well-being of children, adolescents, and adults. The emotional, social, and physical benefits of exercise and sports participation are indisputable: physical activity during childhood and adolescence has lifelong positive impacts on both physical and mental health. Additionally, transgender and gender-diverse youth (TGD) are particularly vulnerable to mental and physical comorbidities that are mitigated by physical activity. Thus, the benefits of exercise may be particularly significant for TGD youth. The past year has seen widespread legislative efforts to exclude TGD youth from organized sports, even though organized sports represent one of the most important opportunities for youth to engage in regular physical activity.   December 6, 2021
The Mental Health of Adolescents: A National Profile, 2008 David Knopf, M. Jane Park, Tina Paul Mulye This brief presents national data about adolescent mental health, assesses the shortcomings of the current data, and offers recommendations to address the data’s limitations.   2008
The Mental Health of Vulnerable Youth & Their Transition to Adulthood E.C. Hair, Ph.D., K. Sidorowicz, L. Martin, & A. Milot Examines how the mental health of youth affects their experience as they transition to adulthood, and if contact with one or more service systems affects their outcomes.   August 2009
The Mental Health of Vulnerable Youth and Their Transition to Adulthood: Examining the Role of the Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Runaway/Homeless Systems Eliza-beth C. Hair, Ph.D., Kathleen Sidorowicz, Laurie Martin, and Alyssa Milot Examines how the mental health of youth affects their experience as they transition to adulthood, and if contact with one or more service systems affects their outcomes.   August 2009
The Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation 2007 Presents a range of indicators on the health and well-being of children who have been diagnosed with emotional, behavioral, or developmental conditions, based on data from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health.   June 2010
The Model Standards Project: Creating Inclusive Systems for LGBT Youth in Out-of-Home Care This article describes the history, development, and goals of the Model Standards Project (MSP), a collaboration between Legal Services for Children and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. The article concludes with recommendations for implementation of the standards in local jurisdictions.   2006
The North Carolina System of Care Handbook for Children, Youth, & Families North Carolina Families United, Inc. / FFCMH Provides basic information about the system of care approach and its framework to help children, youth, and families know what to expect and how to get involved.   January 2006
The Organizational Social Context of Mental Helath Mediciad Waiver Programs with Family Support Services: Implications for Research and Practice Charles Glisson, Nathaniel J. Williams, Philip Green, Anthony Hemmelgarn, Kimberly Hoagwood This report examines any differences between peer family support specialists and mental health clinicians and if these differences would have any effect on the organizatonal culture.   2013
The Partnership Toolkit: Tools for Building and Sustaining Partnerships Tool kit provides information on how to build and sustain partnerships with other organizations.   Spring 2001
The Permanency Innovations Initiative (PII) Approach to Evaluation The PII Approach to Evaluation is part of the overall PII Approach, which integrates implementation science and program evaluation in a coordinated framework.   2014

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